Creation Control

General Information

The Creation Control is a step based Wizard like feature that can fully Create PPM Items and Projects from a Fiori Application.

The number of steps and possible creation paths is to be chosen by yourself. Each path can lead to a different result.
In detail this means that depending on the selections on a current step the following step might change completely!

Depending on the customized options a step can either be Graphical or Form Based. Each steps name can be customized also via the Texts Decision Table.

Graphical Creation

Customizing of graphical steps enables you to upload images of your choice and define clickable areas via coordinates.
Depending on the area the user clicks the next step may be different.

Form Based Creation

Customizing a From Based Creation Step requires the understanding of Forms, Sections and Fieldgroups. Generally speaking you are able to define input fields during a creation step. The values inputted can be user will be transferred to the created object.


Customizing Results in the Creation Process

Customizing the results is necessary for defining the final outcome of a creation process, although you can also follow a form-based creation path without using results at all, and it will still work. The following options are available for customizing:

  • Datasets
  • Buckets
  • Item Types
  • Project Templates

These results prefill certain values that will be used later in the project or item creation. Depending on how the customizing is set up, you can create either a project, an item, or both.

Result Categories:

  • Item Creation Related: Bucket and Item Type

  • Project Creation Related: Project Templates

  • Dataset (Both - Item and Project related): A dataset result is used to prefill form fields with predefined values. Here’s how it works:

    • Form Submission or Area Selection: A result is generated after a form is filled out or an area is selected.

    • Prefilling Fields:

      • The dataset table automatically fills specified fields with values.
      • This prefilled value is saved in the background and applied at the end of the creation process.
    • Example:

      • You add an entry to the dataset table specifying that the field “Name” should be ‘Project’.
      • In the creation form, you initially enter ‘Test’ for the “Name” field.
      • After the form submission, the system overrides ‘Test’ with ‘Project’ based on the dataset table.

Example Workflow:

You added a graphic in your creation process following Customizing the Creation Wizard - Results. When you click on a graphic area, it may lead you to a set of results. These results can include:

  • Item Type results: Next step of your creation process will be choosing an Item Type you are going to create. 
  • Bucket results: In the next step you are creating a Bucket for your items.
  • Project Template results: You will be able to choose a template for your project you are about to create.

These results will be displayed in a list, ordered by their category. You can select an entry by clicking on it. The system will then remember your choice and use it for the creation process later.
You can set your app in such a way where you only have only one creation result. For item types in the results, for example, you only need to set such result and include matching result ID to the creation process in BRF+.

See Also

Creation - Graphics
Creation - Forms
Creation - Results


creation control, graphical creation, forms, customizing results, project and item creation