Multi Tables

General Information

A Multi Table is a flexible data storage structure designed to manage fields with multiple values efficiently. Unlike traditional tables, which typically handle singular values per field, a Multi Table accommodates several entries within a single field, making it ideal for scenarios requiring the management of complex, multi-dimensional data.

For example, a dropdown Multi Table allows users to select multiple values from a list, such as a list of countries. This enhances usability by enabling the simultaneous selection and processing of various options.

Another example is an active table, which dynamically expands by adding new rows and columns as the user fills the last available ones. This feature is particularly useful for evolving data sets where the number of entries isn’t fixed.

Dynamic tables represent a more advanced use of Multi Tables, where different field sets can be selected and manipulated according to specific needs. The flexibility is especially useful when dealing with complex data sets where different contexts or user roles may require different information. This type of Multi Table is highly customizable and can be adapted to display and work with a variety of data configurations, making it an invaluable tool for managing diverse data sets in a cohesive manner.

See also

Multi Tables


multi table, dropdown, active table, dynamic table, BRF+ customizing