2024.1.14 - Past Perfected: Writing History

2024.1.14 - Past Perfected: Writing History

This release builds significantly upon our commitment to enhance the PPM Process Package, introducing powerful new functionalities and further performance improvements. From creating versions directly within PPP to advanced conflict checking and the introduction of displaying change documents, 2024.1.14 is designed to simplify and enhance your project management experience.


Create Project Versions

  • Direct Version Creation: Users can now create Simulations and Snapshots of projects directly within PPP, eliminating the need to use the classic PPM WebDynpro UI. This full support for creating project versions streamlines the workflow and maintains data consistency.

Change Documents Tab

  • Audit Trail for Project Nodes: A new ‘Change Documents’ tab has been introduced within the Project Structure to track modifications to project nodes, detailing changes, timing, and the responsible party. Initially available to PPP Admins, access can be extended to other users via BRF+ settings.

Advanced Conflict Checking

  • Comprehensive Conflict Detection: PPP now checks for multiple types of conflicts within resource planning:

    • Date Conflicts: Checks if start and finish dates of roles, staffing, and resource assignments align with the project structure.
    • Demand Distribution Conflicts: Ensures that demand distribution within roles and staffing matches the project timeframe.
    • Hierarchical Date Conflicts: Validates that the dates for roles, staffing, and tasks are consistent across hierarchical levels, ensuring alignment and avoiding scheduling errors.

Task Role Assignments

  • Enhanced Role-Task Visibility: Building on the existing ‘Tasks’ tab for roles, PPP now includes a ‘Roles’ tab when selecting a task. This reciprocal functionality allows viewing and managing role-task assignments from both role and task perspectives, facilitating a more integrated approach to resource and task management.

Complete Subordinates

  • Efficient Completion Options: If enabled in PPM customizing (SPRO), PPP now offers the option to complete all subordinate nodes of a project, enhancing management efficiency and oversight.

Performance Enhancements

  • Faster Gantt Chart Access: Significant improvements have been made to the speed of opening the Gantt Chart within Project Planning, making it faster than ever, thereby enhancing the user experience during project scheduling activities.

Bug Fixes

We’ve been hard at work squashing bugs to make your PPP experience smoother. Here’s what we’ve fixed in this release:

  • “Aggregate Severities” Is Disabled if No Node Is Selected
  • Deleting Project Simulations Results in Crash
  • Selecting a Project Template in Project Planning’s “Copy From” Results in Crash
  • Changing the Demand Unit of a Role Reduces the Start Date
  • “Remove From Favorites” Does Not Work
  • Timeline Does Not Save Multiple Attachments at Once
  • Aggregating Severities Results in Crash if No Roles Exist in the Project
  • Projects Appear Multiple Times on Project Overview if Status Is “Locked”
  • Loading Object Links Is Performed in Batch Together With Other Slow Operations
  • Loading Object Links Loads the Whole Project
  • Checking Whether Aggregation of Severities Is Active Loads the Whole Project
  • Nodes With Illogical Dates / Relations Result in Crash When Loading Project Planning
  • Authorization Sections Are Not Displayed on Checklist Items
  • Manually Set Severities Cannot Be Cleared