2024.1.13 - Edit en Masse: Planning at the Speed of Thought

2024.1.13 - Edit en Masse: Planning at the Speed of Thought

In this release, we continue to expand the functionality and efficiency of PPP with new features designed to enhance your project management capabilities. From mass editing in Project Planning to performance enhancements, this update is all about making your workflow smoother and more intuitive.


Mass-Edit in Project Planning

  • Efficient Bulk Changes: You can now select multiple rows in Project Planning and simultaneously edit a column’s value for all selected entries. This feature extends to advanced data adaptations, such as setting severities, facilitating quicker updates across multiple project components.

Column Personalization in Project Planning

  • Personalized Interface: Similar to the column selection settings familiar from Overview Lists for Items and Projects, Project Planning now allows users to personalize their views. This new personalization option lets users choose which columns to display, tailoring the interface to show only relevant information.

Automatic ID Generation Using Number Ranges

  • Streamlined ID Management: PPP now utilizes predefined number ranges from classic PPM, as configured in SPRO, to automatically generate external IDs for new Items and Projects. This ensures consistency and efficiency in ID allocation across your projects (and items).

Further Performance Enhancements

  • Quicker Project Access: Continuing our commitment to performance improvement, this release further reduces the loading times when accessing project details from the Project Overview. Experience even faster navigations and smoother transitions within the application.

Bug Fixes

We’ve been hard at work squashing bugs to make your PPP experience smoother. Here’s what we’ve fixed in this release:

  • First Phase Is Missing in Some Projects
  • Forecasted Finish Date Is Off by One
  • Field “Task Name” Is Missing on Milestones in Default Customizing
  • Project Versions Are Displayed in “My Projects”
  • Moving Nodes Too Fast in Project Planning Results in Crash
  • Authorizing Organizational Units on Projects Results in Crash