2023.1.3 - Introducing Project Planning

2023.1.3 - Introducing Project Planning

Welcome to the first officially released PPM Process Package Release Notes!
Going forward, every new release of PPP will be accompanied by a post, like this one, giving you an overview of all significant new features and bug fixes.


Introducing: Project Planning

The Project Planning tab has officially left the “technical preview” state and is now available for first usage. As opposed to Project Structure, Project Planning will allow users to see the Project from a “bird’s eye view” and edit it with ease.

In this first version, the following features are supported:

  • Display Project, Phases, Tasks, Milestones, Checklists, and Checklist Items.
  • Display the Responsible Role, User, and Resource of each Project node.
  • Display the Forecasted Start- and Forecasted End dates.

Some features are not fully available yet and will be officially introduced very shortly, including:

  • Creating new Phases, Tasks, Milestones, Checklists, and Checklist Items, either from scratch or as a copy from templates.
  • Deleting and updating the aforementioned Project nodes.
  • Moving Project nodes.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been corrected with this release.

  • Error “Object not found” in Project Overview
  • Versions Are Listed in Project Overview
  • Timeout in Project Overview
  • Number Fields with Search Help Adds Thousand Separators After Value Was Selected
  • SearchHelp for Responsible Resource Breaks if Responsible Resource Was Set in PPM-Standard-UI